
1. 庭を含む8箇所7部屋全てを撮影すること。
2. 各部屋を以下のルールに従い撮影すること。
i) Rooms: 縦軸(各部屋)あるいは横軸(①②③)で見る。
ii)Floor Map A & B: 家全体を一周するルート。
ii)Bonus Clues A & B:モノのつながりを追跡するルート。

22932 is an experiment in photography as an element of memory devoid of sequence. In this series, a single house is photographed following a strict set of constraints.1) Every room in the house must be photographed. 2) Each room must be photographed in three different ways: one black and white image, one portrait, and one photograph with a bird. 3) Rooms are connected by similar elements; for example, one image might have an apple in it, another someone wearing a pair of pants with an apple, and another will be eating an apple.
The images can be connected in multiple different ways — the pictorial content, the liner notes, the spatial relation of the rooms of the house, and so on. The clues in the images solicit the viewer to imagine relationships beyond the picture frame. However, although the photographic method references that of cinematography, unlike a film these connections are neither nonlinear nor are they definitive. Time and events are collapsed, acting as a breeding ground for the proliferation of narrative possibilities. The “place” perceived in each image changes according to who is viewing it, and when continuously disintegrating the unity of the series. These disrupted meanings are re-united in the concept of a single “space” of the house.